mercredi 4 décembre 2013

mardi 5 novembre 2013

Coming Up

I'm so excited to see what we'll do on the next comic strip for Lovell Litho and Publications! Never thought of myself as a cartoonist but I'll be nice to go back to the old paper and pencil again. It's important for me to ground myself with this kind of work. I'm not dropping digital, in fact, I've rekindled my love of vertices thanks to Digital Tutors and finished my storyboard for an eLearning Demo. Combining it all is truly amazing. However, these are long term projects while the cartoon is instant gratification. Will post it sooooooon.

jeudi 17 octobre 2013

New Projects

Hi again, taking some time to promote (and to help my niece.)

(She wanted to know how to title the images posted, there is no real easy way other than the "add caption" property. When you browse to add your picture file, highlight and copy the name after clicking it as it appears in the text field. Then once you OK that, click your image, add selected and click image again. Options appear and you select "Add caption" then you paste in what you copied before. Anyone know a faster way, do share!)

So this is a job I did recently. It was a great experience. My colleague is building up his business "" and he is a such a wiz at how to create a buzz and instigate passion and curiosity for your company using social networking and more.

Here, we remind the public that this landmark of a printing company is valid and evolving from a great past to a greater future. And even though we are all on the computer and forgetting about teaching kids cursive and the craftsmanship of printing, this printer had a BIG impact on society because they published and promoted gems of literature. I am honoured to be able to bring this into the forefront and hope to have sparked up enough interest to continue the drawing and the story.

Click here to read more:


Thanks and enjoy.

samedi 7 septembre 2013

Research : Background to be...

Dear readers,

This is simply to inform you that we will be changing our blog background!  Oh Yes!  We have been telling ourselves for ages that the actual background is only temporary, that we should change it for something  We still haven't come around to do it, but it's now on my URGENT to do list!

Hopefully, we should have something done or the month to come!  2013!

Anyway, enjoy the actual one while you can and if, by any chance, you have suggestions, please feel free to post your comments.

Thank you for your patience!

Cher lecteurs,

Ce qui suit est tout simplement pour vous informer que nous procéderons au changement de l'arrière-plan de notre blogue.  Oh que oui!  Nous nous disions depuis des temps que l'arrière-plan actuel n'était que temporaire, que nous devrions le changer éventuellement pour quelque chose de plus...nous?  Nous ne sommes pas revenu sur la modification depuis, mais c'est maintenant sur ma liste de tâches URGENTES!

Nous espérons avoir quelque chose de prêt ou même temporaire... encore... d'ici un mois!  En 2013!

Peu importe, profitez bien de celui actuel pendant qu'il est toujours là et si, par chance, vous avez des suggestions, n'hésitez pas à nous transmettre vos suggestions.

Merci pour votre patience! 

- The Geeky Artsy Girls

vendredi 23 août 2013

While summer wanes, the urge to create is fired up. Time to re-focus and contribute something to art. After seeing the inspirational statues of the Parthenon and the stoic people of Greece, how can one not appreciate craftsmanship and form?

Here are some pictures from the new Acropolis Museum in Athens, the birthplace of democracy, philanthropy, philosophy, astronomy, medicine, math and yes the economy!